Saturday, February 7, 2015


 -- Grandfather Grandfather

I lived in time there were no fences
The fences came later so did the gun
It’s no longer as it used to have been
when people were free there were no fences

The fences came later so did the guns.
The wagon, the train, the corporal, the law
the church, the messiah, the rituals
but there was freedom and later fences

The border that’s there didn’t used to be
And the people could travel where they went
It’s no longer as it used to have been
when people were free when freedom was free

It will never be as it was before
but will return to itself forever.

Monday, February 2, 2015


Fueron gritos del Coyote que oi
que me acompanaban en tu ausencia
se escuchan atraves del horizonte
verdaderas no lo dudas creelo.

Fueron gritos del Coyote que oi.
por todas los caminos se oyeron
entre risa y llanto se descubrio
Coyote por el mismo sentimiento

Aparte corre Un coyote entre Ellos
su grito mas tierno se destruye
entre espectros la luna multipliaba
callense Coyote arriba del monte

Llega al instante que se hunde el Sol
Coyote eres ambos Cantos y Suspiros.