Colibti del Pecho Colorado
My Red Chested Hummingbird here you Are
Quien me conoce y mi Escritorio
You have known me You’ve who have seen my Desk
Quien me saluda y con su Vuelo
You who greets me with your Vision and Heart
Hace desaperecer el Bullo
Alone, you make the Bully disappear
Que me asusta y que Asusto
The Bully scares me but I Frighten Too
No con mis Musculos no con mi Voz
Not with my Muscles and Not with my Voice
Esos son suyos y mi Regazo
Those are All yours FOr You and Yours Alone.
Me teme por ser hecha de Rayos
But because I am made of the Light Rays
Tan como el Arco Iris, Que Yo Soy
Just like the Rainbow that I am as Well
Muchos los Colores que que los Oigo!
Many are the COlors that I can Hear!
No traen su Destino no traeran Voz
While they may not have Destiny or Sound
Pero con tan poco de Plomo y mi
With just a bit of Ink and Myself, --I--
Pintaremos los Finos Sonidos
Will illustrate the Finest Harmonies
Que no tienen Figura ni Tono.
Those that have neither a FIgure nor Form